Basic Expectations
Cadets/Midshipmen – Basic expectations as related to the ROTC Academic Advisor
LoboAchieve will be utilized for scheduling appointments and determining walk-in hours for current and prospective students.
If a scheduled appointment needs to be canceled, this should be done so by 1600 the day before unless an illness or emergency arises.
ROTC students will refer to the Advisor as Mr./Ms. or Sir/Ma’am, not by first name.
Unless a lengthier timeline is stipulated, students will respond to functional emails originating from the Advisor within 48-hours (excluding weekends) while UNM is in session, and the Advisor will normally do the same in return for student-initiated emails.
ROTC degree plans will be prepared and/or updated via a live meeting (not email/Zoom) unless the Advisor determines otherwise.
Work will not unknowingly be duplicated between the Advisor and other UNM Staff.
Graduating students may be removed from the ROTC early degree certification list if they fail to comply with the tasks/deadlines given by the Advisor as part of that process.